Assorted Pictures of Llamas Doing What They Do Best.
Debra Walking her Llama Tuffy in the parade passing out candy in the Buffalo Veterans Day Parade 2014
Celtic Festival in Buffalo Missouri, Milkyway pulling the cart and Rambo tagging along. Sept. 2015
Debra driving Ferdinand with Rambo tagging along in Buffalo Missouri Fall of 2014
Milkyway in the lead being driven by owner Tim Kohloff in the Veterans Day Parade in Buffalo 2014
Debra mowing grass with a Llama powered lawnmower, Ferdinand is the Llama pulling. November 2014
Shearing Day at Sunset Llama Farm, Rhasphody sporting her new hair due and pedicure. April 29, 2016
April 23, 2016 was the annual Dallas County Business Expo in Buffalo Missouri, we took Milkyway and Rambo. We also had an information table about Llamas, Southeast Llama Rescue (SELR), the Missouri Llama Association and of course Sunset Llama Farm. We also had samples of yarn, scarves, etc., made from Llama and alpaca fiber. Debra of course had her Lamb spinning wheel there and did spinning demonstrations which is always a sure thing to gather people.
April 23, 2016 was the annual Dallas County Business Expo in Buffalo Missouri, we took Milkyway and Rambo. We also had an information table about Llamas, Southeast Llama Rescue (SELR), the Missouri Llama Association and of course Sunset Llama Farm. We also had samples of yarn, scarves, etc., made from Llama and alpaca fiber. Debra of course had her Lamb spinning wheel there and did spinning demonstrations which is always a sure thing to gather people.
Pictures above are from May 7, 2016, it was the Llama Play Day in Ozark Arkansas sponsored by Sona Gardner of Ozark. We took Milkyway & Ferdinand along with the mini cart. Both Llamas had a good time letting both Llama owners and people who did not own Llamas drive them. For those that were too young we let them ride in the cart while we led the Llama.